Nibbles for Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children

My Food Program Nibbles for Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children Blog Post
Nibbles for Health Cover

Nibbles for Health

Nibbles for Health is a series of 15 nutrition newsletters for parents of young children. They are published by the USDA and the graphics and layout just got a makeover in October of 2023. Below are the newsletter topics which you can download by clicking on the image.

  1. Developing Healthy Habits With Less Sugar
  1. Developing a Taste for Less Sodium
  1. Serving Meals “Family Style”
  1. Child Care: What Will My Child Eat?
  1. Colorful Fruits
  1. Encouraging Vegetables
  1. Growing Strong with Milk
  1. Healthy Celebrations, Lasting Memories
  1. Healthy Meals with MyPlate
  1. Healthy Snacks with Smiles
  1. Portions for Preschoolers
  1. Tips for a “Choosy” Eater
  1. Vary Your Protein Foods
  1. Water: It’s a Great Choice
  1. Whole Grains Make a Difference

You can download and print or email all of the newsletters for FREE. You can also get printed copies of newsletters 4-15 for FREE because you participate in the CACFP.

Do you have other nutrition questions? Just reach out and let us know!