If your facility is participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, then you’re working hard to serve nutritious meals and snacks to the children in your care. It is important that the grown-ups taking care of the children at home are aware of the awesome nutrition work you do and do what they can to offer healthy choices.
One way to tell parents about the awesome benefits of enrolling in a child care facility that participates in the CACFP is to provide a parent newsletter around nutrition. Sounds great, but there are only so many hours in the day. Nibbles for Health newsletters to the rescue!

Nibbles for Health
Nibbles for Health is a series of 15 nutrition newsletters for parents of young children. They are published by the USDA and the graphics and layout just got a makeover in October of 2023. Below are the newsletter topics which you can download by clicking on the image.
You can download and print or email all of the newsletters for FREE. You can also get printed copies of newsletters 4-15 for FREE because you participate in the CACFP.
Do you have other nutrition questions? Just reach out and let us know!