When you participate in the CACFP, you need to comply with USDA federal regulations, state agency recordkeeping requirements and also select a system that works for your own policies and procedures. That means that your CACFP software needs to be customized. With My Food Program, it’s possible! You can configure your sponsor and site accounts so that you can be confident in your menus, meal counts, claims and so much more! Here is a list of some of the ways you can configure My Food Program to check for compliance:

Attendance & Meal Counts
- Lock users into meal service times, the end of the day or any time before claims submission
- Use in/out times or daily attendance
- Take meal counts by name or use headcount
- Select from four different ways to enter attendance and meal counts

- Assign participants to programs, such as CACFP Standard, ARAM or Head Start
- Track enrollment forms and disallow if they are missing or turn off enrollment form checks
- Require that centers or providers enter full household contact information or just require the basics

- Customize your food list and favorite foods
- Track infant menus by name, use a facility infant menu or turn off checks for infant menus
- Require food production records or turn them off
- Select your units for food production: cups, ounces, gallons, #10 cans, pounds, etc.
Are you ready for some help with your compliance?
Utilize the most customizable CACFP software and make it yours!