CACFP Training Slides
Do you need to train staff on the CACFP Meal Pattern? With all of the rules and changing regulations, it can be […]
Do you need to train staff on the CACFP Meal Pattern? With all of the rules and changing regulations, it can be […]
If you’ve seen the recent software comparison chart from the National CACFP Sponsors Association, you may have noticed that My Food Program […]
Scheduling facility review visits can be tough for sponsors! This blog post will break down the requirements and help you understand the […]
The USDA Food Buying Guide is like an instruction manual for building a creditable CACFP meal. It tells you exactly how much […]
When serving meals in afterschool programs or adult day care centers on the CACFP or at any SFSP summer feeding site, you […]
Exciting news! The USDA has issued a new handbook, “Feeding Infants in the Child and Adult Care Food Program”. This handbook was […]
Starting October 1, 2019 You need to measure grain amounts in “ounce equivalents” instead of “servings”. The USDA is changing the way […]
Estimating the amount of food to buy can be a difficult task. Here are a few tips to make it easier: Always […]
With all the recordkeeping requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), it can be really easy to make a […]
Ever wonder what “the average” CACFP sponsor looks like? If so, your wait is over. The USDA conducted a study of CACFP […]